microbial contamination

Home  >  Services >  Microbial Contamination (Mould)

One of the most common indoor air biological contaminants is microbial contamination, which is largely attributed to fungal growth or bacteria on building materials.

Some building materials such as Gypsum Board, Wood, Plywood, Roof sheathing, Acoustic ceiling tiles and Oriented Strand Board (OSB) are very susceptible to mould growth due to their organic cellulose properties.  Other non-building related materials can also be source for concern including; boxes, papers, books, fabrics, garments, etc. These materials are present within most indoor environments.


The presence of microbial contamination (i.e. fungi, bacterial, etc.) in a building can present a health hazard to occupants of the building or to construction workers during renovation or demolition. Microbial contamination, although not specifically regulated, is a topic that is seriously addressed by most regulatory bodies and routinely enforced by Health Departments and Ministries of Labour. Services offered by Maple Environmental include:


  • Management, supervision and execution of building surveys for the presence of microbial contamination
  • Collection of air and bulk samples
  • Development of microbial contamination management programs
  • Design of microbial contamination abatement programs
  • Contract specifications and bid evaluations
  • Project management and supervision
  • Development of employee training programs



Maple’s focus is on providing quality consulting services for Asbestos, Lead, Mould, Indoor Air quality, Environmental Site Assessments and Occupational Hygiene.

Contact Us

Head Office:

482 South Service Road East,

Suite 116

Oakville, Ontario

L6J 2X6


Phone: 905.257.4408


Fax: 905.257.8865

GTA East:

1735 Bayly Street,
Suite 7C1

Pickering, Ontario

L1N 3G7

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